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My #1 priority when it comes to designing a website is to make it CLEAR. And you know what can really mess with that?  Fonts Choosing the wrong font, making it the wrong size, using it in the wrong place… there are so many ways that font choice can ruin the clarity and readability of […]

Don’t go into your homepage design without a plan! Here are 3 important questions you need to answer before you even think about starting your design. #1 – What is your main goal Is your main goal to have clients book your service? Or is your main goal to have clients join your email list? […]

It can be fun to DIY a website design – especially with user friendly design tools like Canva. But here’s the thing… no one wants their website to look ‘DIY’, right? Here are some dead give-aways that your website is DIY: 1 – Different ‘frames’ on all your photos You start with a watercolor swoosh… […]

Online marketing can be tricky. Sometimes things become normalized that are borderline (or straight up) unethical. Here are a couple things I see on websites that we all need to stop doing. #1 – The ‘no thanks, I hate free things’ option that you have to click to opt out of an offer Ugh! This […]

If you spend a lot of time obsessing over your DIY website, it’s time to hire a designer. Here are the three reasons why… Your DIY website is taking up too much of your time Ugh… you know it’s true. You are spending SO MUCH of your time on this DIY website. And it’s just […]

So when I say ‘you want your website to convert better’ what I mean is that when potential clients visit your website, they take the action that you want them to. Most of my clients want their website visitors to either: 1 – book a session to with them or2 – download something of value […]

One misconception that people often have about working with a website designer is that designer is going to give them something super unique and different that’s never been done before. And that totally makes me cringe. 😖 Don’t ask your designer for something ‘new and unique’ A designer friend of mine put it this way: […]

Take a look at the section above the fold (the part you can see on the screen before you start scrolling). I call it the hero section. Whatever you call it, this section is PRIME real-estate on your website and you have to be super intentional about what you do with it. If you want […]

It’s a slippery slope – and most people fall into it when you DIY you website. You talk about yourself too much. I get it. It’s so easy to do… because it’s what you know best! The story of how you got to where you are, and why you do what you do seem important […]